A Personal History of the Huntington Playwriting Fellowship by Ken Urban

Ken Urban wrote an essay about the Huntington Theatre Company's Playwriting Fellowship for the latest issues of THE DRAMATIST, the magazine of the Dramatists Guild, whose current issue focuses on theater in Boston.


"For me, it started with a phone call twelve years ago. Ilana Brownstein, then literary manager, called to  ask if I wanted to be a Huntington Playwriting Fellow. I had just moved from New York lo Boston for a teaching gig. I knew no one in theatre there and I felt cut off from the ecology of off-off Broadway theatre that nurtured my early years as a writer. The call was truly a surprise. In those days, writers didn't apply to become a fellow. The fellowship found you. Or more accurately, Ilana and former Artistic Director Nicky Marlin found you. In any case, I was found. Three other writers and I would spend the next two years developing work at the Huntington, through monthly meetings, table readings and participation in the Breaking Ground Festival. Throw in a stipend and free tickets to Huntington productions, by the end of the call, this playwright was fairly ecstatic." Continue Reading

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