As we begin to receive facts surrounding MIT's approach to bringing back students for the Spring Semester, the Events Office would like to provide you with the following information as you plan your events for next semester. The link below will take you to the Spring 2021 Virtual Event Request Form. This form will allow you to share important information regarding your event with the EO and allow the EO to begin securing the necessary resources needed to produce your event. Our goals for the Spring semester are:
Spring 2021 Virtual Event Request Form
Please submit all event requests by
December 11, 2020
-Please select a date for each event you wish you produce for the Spring 2021 semester.
-Your event will automatically receive a tech day prior to your event. Depending on the nature of your event, the tech day will be scheduled for the evening prior to your event or on an evening in the week leading up to your event.
-The Events Office will reach out once all directors have submitted requests to confirm Spring performance dates. At this time, the Events Office will set-up meetings with each director to review the details for each event and confirm the information received.
MTA Events receive the following marketing support:
MTA Homepage Carousel Slide
-Slides are posted at the beginning of the semester or upon notifcation of the event and upon receiving all of the information needed to create the marketing materials.
MTA Event Landing Page (Event will also be posted on the MIT Events page)
-Created in tandum with the Carousel Slide as the official event page to host information such as event date and time, synopsis, musical rep, scene breakdown, artist bios etc.
Social Media Materials
-Instagram Square: Posted as a teaser "Coming Soon" post as well as in the week of the event.
-Insta-Story Images: Posted as both "Coming Soon" stories as well as in the week of the event.
-For virtual events, the program is shared as a PDF either as a link on the event page or through an e-mail in Eventbrite.
Eventbrite Page
-Optional but recommended. An opportunity to track patrons as they sign up for an event. Eventbrite also allows the EO to communicate with patrons leading up to the event, share streaming links, virtual programs and post-event Zoom links.
This Week/Weekend @MTA
-Events will be featured in weekly mailings hilighting events for the week. E-mails are sent to:
-MTA Fac Staff
-MTA Newsletter Subscribers
-MTA Students