This joint degree program draws from both theater arts and engineering/science studies, providing students with a basic command of each mode of inquiry.

The Major Advisor is Ken Urban.

MIT's registrar maintains the official requirements for Course 21E and Course 21S Degrees on their website.

All 21E/S Majors are required to select seven elective subjects in addition to the required subjects below, in consultation with the Major Advisor. 

Qualified students may, with departmental approval, substitute a thesis (21T.THU) for one these 12-unit electives.

All 21E/S Majors are required to take the following class:

Select 12 units of the following: 12
21T.101 Introduction of Acting
21T.110 Physical Improvisation: Bodies in Motion
21T.120 Fundamentals of Design
21T.130 Performance Media
21T.131 Script Analysis
21T.150[J] Playwriting Fundamentals
Select eight elective subjects in consultation with the major advisor 78-96
Total Units 90-108
See the Theater Arts subject listing for a list of available subjects. Qualified students may, with departmental approval, substitute a thesis (21T.ThU) for one of these 12-unit electives.


One of the Communication Intensive classes will be from the 21T curriculum, the other will be from the science or engineering field. Ideally, some of the subjects in the science or engineering program, as well as the theater specialty, should complement the forms of learning in the other adding cohesion to the program.

Joint majors are discouraged from also double majoring and may not in any case count any class towards both the 21S/E course and towards the other course.

List of courses with CI-M designation
21T.201  Acting with the Camera (21M.624)
21T.220 Set Design (21M.733)
21T.222 Costume Design (21M.732)
21T.224 Technical Design for Performance (21M.735)
21T.240J/WGS.264J Sport as Performance (21M.690)
21T.250J/21W.774J Playwriting Methods (21M.607)
21T.301 Acting: Techniques and Style (21M.830)
21T.355 Playwrights Lab (21M.785)
21T.THU Undergraduate Thesis