Adam K. Boyles, Director
Symphony Orchestra may be taken for credit: 21M.421
T/Th, 7:30-10pm (Held in Kresge Auditorium)
The MIT Symphony Orchestra is holding auditions for Spring 2025. MIT and Wellesley students may take MITSO for 6 units of credit, but one need not take MITSO for credit to fully participate. All local students, MIT community members, and non-MIT community members are welcome to audition.
New member Spring auditions will be in-person in Dr. Boyles’ office (W18-3312) on the following days and times:
Tuesday February 4, 1-3pm and 5-7pm
The audition consists of the following:
- A solo of your choosing (concerto, etude, etc.) to be no longer than 1 minute (yes, only 1 minute). Pick the spot which shows off your fundamental skills the best.
- 4-5 scales of the MD's choosing (to be chosen from all major, harmonic minor, natural minor, melodic minor, chromatic). You can perform them at your own pace, articulation, bowing, etc. provided it remains steady in tempo. Do not schedule an audition if you don’t know your scales - I take these very seriously.
- Short sight reading(s), mostly focusing on rhythm.
The whole audition is approximately 10 minutes.
First MITSO rehearsal is Tuesday, February 4, Kresge Auditorium, 7:30-10pm.
Winds/Strings Players: Register for a MITSO Audition Here
Harpists: Please contact Dr. Boyles directly ( to arrange an audition time.
Percussionists: Please contact Dr. Boyles directly ( to arrange an audition time.