A symphony of sounds and sine waves. Echoes of dreams lost and other planets, filtered and modified. Voltage under control. Join us to melt into beeps and boops, with ambient, techno, electropop and more. Meet your lover in a cyborg telenovela and fall from a tethered cloud, or get beaten by intense bass. Have you ever wanted to peer into the world of wires and chips and hear it whisper or scream back? Come for a smorgasbord of sound that will transform Killian Hall into an electronic music haven on November 30.
About FaMLE:
FaMLE, the MIT Laptop Ensemble, is a forum for the exploration of emerging digital musical practices, with a particular focus on collaborative music performance. We use a variety of software and hardware instruments to learn about current performance techniques, and ensemble members have the opportunity to create new compositions and instruments to explore their personal musical interests. Open to all members of the MIT community, FaMLE offers a practice-based vision of the future of digital musicianship.