Music as Service: a world premiere by Miguel Zenón
MIT Wind Ensemble, Frederick Harris, Jr., music director and MIT Concert Choir, William Cutter, music director, with special guest composer-saxophonist, Miguel Zenón. This program features the world premiere of Music as Service, a four-movement composition by renowned saxophonist, composer and MacArthur Fellow Miguel Zenón. Zenón has crafted a work that explores and celebrates the academic life and creativity of MIT students. The program also features the MIT Concert Choir with MITWE performing Randall Thompson’s The Testament of Freedom under the direction of William Cutter. The piece was composed to celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Thomas Jefferson. Music by Holst, Hovhaness, Arnold, and Piazzolla completes the program. 8pm, Kresge Auditorium. Gen. adm. $5; Free in advance to the MIT community. Tickets at and at the door.