MY/Teeth/Profound Beasts is a surround-sensorial theatrical experience/ experiment, conceived and performed by Anna Kohler, directed and with video design by Caleb Hammond, projection and sound design by Bozkurt Karasu, costume design by Tara Nova Webb, and featuring Hapi Phace as Matisse, mother superior and others, and MIT alumnus Adam Strandberg.
Who are the women who posed - in this instance, for Henri Matisse? What does it mean to be a muse for many years and then to become old? Beasts reexamines our view of the relationship between artist and model, shedding a completely new light on the beauty that is aging. This time the lens of the model is central, and through her lens the audience is immersed in an actual, unique sensory experience. The image and role of the aging woman are for the first time ever exploding traditional ideas in our society, and the show’s gentle but powerful view of such a transformation of one woman points the way.
There are two showings, 8pm and 10pm, on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 in E33, Rinaldi Tile Bldg.