Vincent Lin, flute

May 02, 2025 | 05:00 pm

Free and Open to the Public
May 02, 2025 | 05:00 pm

Presented by the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study Solo Recital Series




About the Performers

Vincent Lin is a MEng student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, studying computer science with a minor in music. He is currently a student of Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin through the MIT Emerson/Harris Scholars Program. Vincent began studying flute at age 10 under Dr. Deborah Kippley and has since performed in several honor bands and award competitions, including Nebraska All-State Bands, NAfME All-National Orchestra, and UNL & USD Young Artist Awards. At MIT, he played flute for the MIT Wind Ensemble, with intermittent performances for the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble, while under the instruction and enrichment of the Emerson/Harris Program.

About the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study

Support for private musical study is available for students through the Emerson/Harris Program (E/HP), which offers merit-based financial awards for outstanding achievement on instruments or voice in classical, jazz, or world music. Each academic year, the program awards Scholarships and Fellowships to nearly seventy students who commit to a full year’s study and participate in the musical life of MIT.

Auditions for the program are held at the beginning of each academic year. Private teacher selections, made in consultation with the E/HP jury heads, may include instructors from MIT staff and throughout Greater Boston. The Emerson/Harris Program is funded by the late Mr. Cherry L. Emerson, Jr. (SM, 1941), in response to an appeal from AssociateProvost Ellen T. Harris (Class of 1949 Professor Emeritus of Music). The Emerson/Harris Masterclass Series is supported, in part, by the Robert L. Malster (1956) Fund.

This project is presented as part of Artfinity, an Institute-sponsored event celebrating creativity and community at MIT. Artfinity is organized by the Office of the Arts.

Presented by the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study Solo Recital Series




About the Performers


Vincent Lin is a MEng student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, studying computer science with a minor in music. He is currently a student of Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin through the MIT Emerson/Harris Scholars Program. Vincent began studying flute at age 10 under Dr. Deborah Kippley and has since performed in several honor bands and award competitions, including Nebraska All-State Bands, NAfME All-National Orchestra, and UNL & USD Young Artist Awards. At MIT, he played flute for the MIT Wind Ensemble, with intermittent performances for the MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble, while under the instruction and enrichment of the Emerson/Harris Program.


About the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study

Support for private musical study is available for students through the Emerson/Harris Program (E/HP), which offers merit-based financial awards for outstanding achievement on instruments or voice in classical, jazz, or world music. Each academic year, the program awards Scholarships and Fellowships to nearly seventy students who commit to a full year’s study and participate in the musical life of MIT.

Auditions for the program are held at the beginning of each academic year. Private teacher selections, made in consultation with the E/HP jury heads, may include instructors from MIT staff and throughout Greater Boston. The Emerson/Harris Program is funded by the late Mr. Cherry L. Emerson, Jr. (SM, 1941), in response to an appeal from AssociateProvost Ellen T. Harris (Class of 1949 Professor Emeritus of Music). The Emerson/Harris Masterclass Series is supported, in part, by the Robert L. Malster (1956) Fund.

This project is presented as part of Artfinity, an Institute-sponsored event celebrating creativity and community at MIT. Artfinity is organized by the Office of the Arts.