Worcester Chamber Music Society

11/20/21 @ 3PM in Killian Hall

November 20, 2021 | 03:00 pm

Free and open to the MIT Community and the Public
November 20, 2021 | 03:00 pm


Mozart - String Quartet in C major K.465 “Dissonance” (1785)

Shostakovich - String Quartet #8 in c minor (1960)

Shadle -String Quartet #4 (2020) - World Premier 

For In-Person attendance: 

MIT Community: Must have updated attestation on COVID Pass. 

NOTE for Visitors: On the day of the event, please visit the Tim Tickets link you will receive in your confirmation email and complete the instructions to be assigned a Tim Ticket. You should submit your Tim Ticket daily attestation at least 30 minutes before entering the venue.

COVID 19 Health Policy: Masks must be worn at all times inthe building. 

Program Description: 

At 3pm on Saturday, November 20th, 2021, in MIT’s Killian Hall, the Worcester Chamber Music Society will present a concert featuring three string quartets. Two of the works, Mozart’s “Dissonance” Quartet (1785) and the Shostakovich 8th String Quartet (1960), are perennial favorites, and among the most beloved, and frequently performed works in the repertoire. They will be joined by Charles Shadle’s String Quartet No.4 (2020), which will receive its first performance. These works have very different emotional resonances, but they also work in dialogue with each other. All are deeply engaged in interacting with earlier pieces of music; Mozart’s Quartet is dedicated to mentor and model Haydn, Shostakovich’s quotes Russian folksongs, Richard Strauss, and famously, his own earlier works, while Shadle reimagines Classical forms, and like Shostakovich sits squarely, if uneasily, in a world of post-modern tonality. The play of influences and disparities will make for engaging listening, and the worlds of 18th century Vienna, the post-war soviet bloc, and pandemic-ravaged Medford MA are evocatively captured.


Krista Buckner Reisner, Vln 1; Rohan Gregory, Vln 2, Peter Sulski, Vla; Ariana Falk, Cello

Hailed as a group with imagination, style and chops, the Worcester Chamber Music Society took the Worcester, Massachusetts scene by storm with its initial concert in 2006. It has become a recognized cultural presence within the Greater Worcester area by presenting sold-out concerts to captivated audiences, receiving consistent critical acclaim, building new young audiences, and training rising musicians through both its Neighborhood Strings and Summer Music Camp programs.

WCMS brings world-class chamber music to intimate Greater Worcester venues. WCMS nurtures the community through a unique combination of affordable concerts, education and community engagement.