Tutti is a large-scale audience participation piece designed to let people have a taste of what it is like to be a performer. The audience becomes the orchestra and their cell phones become musical instruments.
Professor Egozy ran a performance of Tutti at the Wang Center as part of the Boston Roadshow for the MIT Campaign for a Better World. There were approximately 1000 people in the audience who were divided into 4 sections (winds, strings, brass, percussion). Each person used their phone's browser at a custom web app to enable their chosen "instrument" on their phone.
The audience performed "Engineered Engineers", a 3 minute piece by Evan Ziporyn, designed specifically for this event. It alludes to the famous MIT drinking song.
Each audience member is cued as to when to play their part by following an on-screen "Guitar Hero"-style animation system. When all audience performers follow the cues, the piece emerges and sounds as it should.
In addition to working with Professor Ziporyn, MIT Alum Nick Joliat helped with the software development.