September 28, 2016, Kaynak Pipers Band from Bulgaria is а kaba gaida (Bulgarian bagpipes) band formed to continue the traditions of gaida performance. Kaynak means ‘source’ and is used to describe a state of the player when the music that he plays come straight from his soul. Often the gaida player performs a virtuoso solo demonstrating his top skills. The gaida is played on weddings, celebrations and events. As people in the Balkans say “A wedding without a bagpipe is like a funeral.” The interest for the kaba gaida increases and it is recognized globally on the ethno-jazz scene as well as a good instrument for early childhood development and stress management.
Kaba gaida, the Rhodope Mountains bagpipe, is one of the most distinctive symbols of the folklore music in Bulgaria. Spread in the small region of the Central Rhodope mountains, the home of Orpheus , it brings tunes and songs from the ancient times. The natural materials used – wood, horn, skin and cotton and the way it is made bring the specific voice and vibration of the gaida and often the voice of the mountain can be heard in the tunes and the ornamentation used.
This group is composed of three gaida players, a drummer and a vocalist. They have worked extensively in workshops for musical therapy and performances for children. Indeed, the music of this region is known for its deeply therapeutic character, aspects of which can lead to musical catharsis.