The Hammer and the Feather, an immersive audio and visual installation, takes its name from the experiment performed on Earth’s moon by U.S. astronaut David Scott, which proved Galileo’s assertion that gravity exerts an equal force on all objects. Developed at MIT by technical instructor Christian...
Wagner’s “The Flying Dutchman” as you’ve never seen or heard it before
Alison Clancy / Gary Lucas
featuring Choreography by Carolyn Choa
presented with special permission of The Metropolitan Opera, NYC
In 2020, The Metropolitan Opera’s production of Wagner’s Der fliegende Holländer opened with...
For full concert information visit:
April 20, 2022
Arts at MIT reporting full story here.
Srinivasan Raghuraman gets a long-awaited moment in the spotlight
Image credit: Danny Goldfield
The PhD alum, who works as a research scientist at Visa Research, performed his Emerson/Harris solo recital after a two-year delay.
THE TENURE ITCH By Ken Urban, Directed by Jess Chayes
At an esteemed New England university, Erich teaches the largest classes in Literature, but his department chair demands Erich write less gay books if he wants tenure. An encounter with a student makes him wonder if he is just as homophobic as...
Artist and MIT Lecturer Janessa Clark's Tiny Dances Project is an ongoing socially-engaged, multimedia installation project weaving together dance, video, sound art, photography and sculpture. Each 'tiny dance' artistically translates the contents of letters confessing personal secrets sent...
Three compositions on themes of racial injustice and healing will premiere on Saturday, May 7, 2022, bringing together all performers of the It Must Be Now! (IMBN!) initiative. This unique immersive music and multimedia event features the work of three leading jazz artists of our time: Terri Lyne...