The Day the Earth Stood Still

Thursday - Saturday, February 5-7 & 12-14

February 05, 2015 | 05:30 pm

February 05, 2015 | 05:30 pm

The Day the Earth Stood Still
Directed by Charlotte Brathwaite
Performance Dates: February 5-7; 12-14, 2015
7:30pm, E33, Rinaldi Bldg, 34 Carleton Street

Seating is limited. Please arrive at 7:15pm. No seating after 7:45pm.

At this stage in history, either one of two things is possible. Either, the general population will take control of its own destiny and will concern itself with community interests guided by values of solidarity, and sympathy and concern for others or alternatively there will be no destiny for anyone to control. - Noam Chomsky

On a mission to bring peace to our planet, outer space visitors land on Earth and are greeted by a barrage of bullets.  In a gesture of peaceful intention hands stretched into the air one of the visitors is shot.  

Directed by Assistant Professor Charlotte Brathwaite and created in collaboration with students of MIT, the 2015 IAP productionThe Day the Earth Stood Still  is inspired by the 1950s film of the same name.  It asks us to look at our exploding world and examine our own humanity in its midsts.  Through collected texts, stories, media images, sounds and choreographed bodies, The Day the Earth Stood Still reflects on the world we live in and prompts us to imagine the world as we would truthfully like it to be.

In conjunction with Radcliffe Fellow Abigail DeVille’s exhibition at Harvard’s Johnson-Kulukundis Family Gallery, January 28 - February 24, 2015. Opening reception for the exhibition is January 28th at 5:30pm, which follows DeVille's Radcliffe Fellow Presentation at 4pm.

Performers: Isaac Fenta, Maria Jaakkola, Majdolene Khweis, Riley Ledezma, Tal Scully, Tomohiro Soejima

Design: Kent Barrett (Lighting), Sara Brown (Set), Abigail DeVille (Costumes), Bozkurt Karasu (Sound/Video)

Production: Nancy Flessas (Costume Shop Manager), Teresa Hartmann (Stage Management Mentor), Sara Marhamo (Costume Shop Assistant), Preethi Vaidyanathan (Costume Design Intern), Casey Wessel (Set Design Intern), Jaclyn Wilson (Producer), Kirsten Williamson (Administrative Support), Rachel Yang (Stage Manager)

Please be advised: prolonged strobe effects and sudden loud sounds are present throughout the performance.